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FREE Printable Flower Counting Activity for Preschool

Kids will have fun practicing counting 1-12 with this super cute flower counting activity. In this spring math, children will work on two important early math skills: number sense for numbers 1-6 and addition to 12. This spring activity for preschoolers is NO PREP and a fun  preschool counting game for  pre-k and kindergarten students. Simply print spring worksheets for preschool and you are ready to play and learn with a spring math activities for preschoolers

Kids will have fun practicing counting 1-12 with this super cute flower counting activity. In this spring math, children will work on two important early math skills: number sense for numbers 1-6 and addition to 12. This spring activity for preschoolers is NO PREP and a fun  preschool counting game for  pre-k and kindergarten students. Simply print spring worksheets for preschool and you are ready to play and learn with a spring math activities for preschoolers

Flower counting activity

This free number printable,  preschoolers and kindergartners can practice counting numbers to twelve with a spring theme or a flower theme preschool math activity. Children will use the pretty flower worksheet along with a dice and circle stickers in this flower counting activity. In this counting games for preschoolers children will work on number recognition as they cover the numberal represented by the dots on the dice. There is also a more difficult flower worksheet for preschool where students roll two dice and must add up the numbers and cover the sum.  This flower activity for preschoolers is fun for a flower math as part of a spring math activity.

Flower worksheet for preschool

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The preschool flower printables pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

This free printable activity is a fun way for preschoolers to practice counting numbers with a spring themed flower math activity.

Flower activity for preschoolers

There are two different levels to this clever math activity for preschoolers.

  • Print out one of the three flowers with yellow strip centers for practice counting to 12.
  • Print out one of the two flowers with white dots in the center for practice counting to 6.

Practice counting with these clever, fun spring themed counting games for kids. Various free printable sheets for toddler, preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids #counting #mathgames #preschool

Spring activity for preschoolers

The simplest version of these spring themed counting games for kids uses ONE dice, circle stickers, and the flower printable with the white dots in the middle.  Pick one of the two options and have your preschooler roll the dice, count the spots, and put the circle sticker over the corresponding number on the flower. Continue rolling, counting, and decorating until the numbers are all covered.

HINT: This preschool math game can be played with other players. Just make sure each player has their own counting worksheet. Then students will take turns rolling the dice and race to see who can complete their flower math craft first.This hands-on spring counting game is a great way to practice counting while having fun decorating your flower.

Spring Math

The more advanced option of these counting games uses two dice to practice counting 1-12. Grab circle stickers (we use matching to work on color recognition at the same time) and two dice. Students will roll the dice, count the dots, and put a sticker on the number they counted. Continue rolling and counting until you’ve decorated your entire flower.

rainy day craft flower craft preschool suncatcher craft Celebrate the arrival of spring with a pretty butterfly craft! This cheery butterfly suncatcher is super simple to make with our butterfly printable and makes a lovely decoration to brighten your window.  This sunctacher craft for preschoolers is such a fun spring craft for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students that requires no prep and no special materials! Simply print pdf file with butterfly coloring page and you are ready to make a beautiful butterfly craft for preschoolers. 

Spring Crafts for Kids

chromatography flowers jelly bean experiment food coloring flower experiment worksheet

Spring Science

Check out these outrageously FUN spring science experiments for kids:

shape craft free printable sight words worksheet FREE Flower Upper and Lowercase Letter Matching - kids will have fun practicing matching letters in this fun alphabet activity for preschool and kindergarten age kids perfect for spring or summer learning. #alphabet #preschool #kindergarten Make learning fun this spring and summer with these super cute flower worksheets. These flower worksheets for preschoolers include a variety of math and literacy skills with a fun flower theme for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students. Simply print pdf file with preschool spring worksheets and you are ready to play and learn with a Flower Activities for Preschool. 

Flower Printables

Looking for some fun, educational spring theme ideas to make learning fun this April and May? Check out these fun resources:

FREE Counting Strawberry Seeds Activity - this is such a fun preschool math activity for spring or summer! #counting #preschool #math  Make practicing counting, tracing numbers 1-10, and learning number words fun with these super cute, Pirate number worksheets for preschoolers. These pirate worksheets allow toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students to learn their numbers, number sense, and practice counting to 10 while having fun. These free printable pre k worksheets are so cute kids are going to be excited to learn! Simply print pdf file with number tracing worksheets and you are ready to start playing and learning with this cute, free printable pirate themes printables.  free printable counting wheels Have fun with these exciting new and no-prep Firefly Counting Worksheets. These lightning bug count and write worksheet pages are great for strengthening hand muscles, counting to ten, tracing numbers, and handwriting skills for young children. Use these cute summer counting worksheets with preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children. Simply print pdf file with number worksheets for preschool  and you are ready to sneak in some fun summer learning!

Counting Activities 0-10

If you are looking for some more fun, engaging, hands-on, and free printable counting activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners – check out these great resources!

free-printable-fingerprint-counting-activity-482x800 playdough number mats Count to 30 bugs hole punching math activity This hands-on math activity allows kids to practice counting to 20 with these free printable playdough mats. This Corn Counting Activity is perfect for toddler, preschool,  pre k and kindergarten age children during summer and fall. This is also a great introduction to number words, including those tricky teen numbers.

Counting Activities 1-20

These pack of fish bowels to practice counting 0-10 is such a clever, FUN hands on counting activity for toddler, preschool, pre k, and kindergarten age students. Grab the  goldfish counting printable and a handful of fish cracker are you are ready to work on 1:1 correspondence as you count to 10 with this clever math activity for preschoolers.  FREE Counting Farm Animals Worksheets - kids will have fun practicing counting animals on the farm and tracing numbers 1-10 with these adorable count to 10 printables for toddler, preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids in the fall, spring, or farm theme. #farm #preschool #counting    Silly-Worm-Count-to-10-with-stickers

Number Worksheets

Preschool Flower Printables

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  1. These printabĺe⁶crafts are great for my K-6 gr. Self contained sped class.
    Elainie Robinson

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