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FREE Printable Construction Playdough Mats – Counting to 20

Kids will LOVE this fun, hands-on counting to 20 with Construction playdough mats activity! Children will impove math skills with these super cute dump truck pritnables. These construction printables are perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children. Simply print the free playdough mats and practice counting while having fun! Simply print pdf file with dump truck counting mat an dyou are ready to count to 20.

Kids will LOVE this fun, hands-on counting to 20 with Construction playdough mats activity! Children will impove math skills with these super cute dump truck pritnables. These construction printables are perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children. Simply print the free playdough mats and practice counting while having fun! Simply print pdf file with dump truck counting mat an dyou are ready to count to 20.ย 

Construction Playdough Mats

Young kids seem to be fascinated with construction vehicles, construction sites, and construction workers.ย  Whether it is the unique-looking HUGE trucks, the big piles of dirt and rocks, or the bright yellow/orange uniforms. But kids love learning about construction workers! This fun Construction Printable Counting activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergatners allows us to draw on that natural interest by sneaking in an educational math activity! Kids will use the dump truck counting mat, number tiles, and playdough, foil balls, or other items to count. Thisย construction playdough mat is perfect for a construction theme or a fun math center in your classroom.

Dump Truck Counting Mat

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. Theย color by numberย pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Free printable yellow dump truck counting mats in two sizes

Construction Printables

For this fun Construction math activity for preschoolers you will need to print out either the large or small dump truck counting mats. We suggest printing on cardstock or laminating for durability.

  • The large dump truck saves on printing s you only need one page in color plus a black and white number page to work on counting to 20. we used this with tin foil ball rocks as it used up a lot of playdough to get the size portions right.
  • The smaller dump trucks each have a number on them so you will need to print 5 pages in color. We use these with playdough “rocks”

Hands on counting to 20 activity with a fun construction theme

free printable construction vehicles

If using the smaller cards, cut each sheet into four cards. You will have 20 dump trucks covering numbers 1-20.

This fun dump truck counting activity allows preschool and kindergarten age kids to practice counting 1-20

Construction Worksheets

This fun dump truck counting activity allows preschool and kindergarten age kids to practice counting 1-20. Kids will look at the number on the dump truck. Then they will form and count out enough playdough rocks to get to the featured number and put them “in” the dump truck.

HINT: You could also use real rocks you find outside!

Free printable construction themed counting playdough mats for preschoolers and kindergarteners

Playdough Mats

Theseย construction math worksheets are not only a great preschool math activity that helps kids practice counting to 20, but great for strengthening fine motor skills too! Plus we love tangible, hands on math activities!

Use tin foil rocks to practice counting with this clever and FREE Construction Math Activities for Preschoolers.

Construction Math Activities for Preschoolers

If you use the larger, one page dump truck counting mat, make sure you cut apart the number squares. Then put one number at a time in the appropriate box. Then count out the correct number of tin foil rocks to practice counting with this clever and FREE Construction Math Activities for Preschoolers. Repeat until you’ve practice counting 1-20.

FREE Construction Phonics Game - free printable alphabet game to help kids practice matching beginning sounds and upper and lowercase letters with preschool, prek, kindergarten, and first grade kids. #kindergarten #preschoolers #alphabet FREE Construction Worksheets for Preschoolers - super cute and free printable math and literacy worksheets to help preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids practice counting and alphabet letters matching upper and lowercase letters with a fun preschool theme. #construction #preschool #worksheetsforkidsย FREE Construction Sight Word Game - kids will have fun practicing preschool sight words with this fun, free printable game for prek, kindergarten, and preschoolers! #sightwords #preschool #prek

Construction activities for kids

Looking for more fun, FREE, and clever construction themed activities for kids?

FREE Counting Strawberry Seeds Activity - this is such a fun preschool math activity for spring or summer! #counting #preschool #mathย  Make practicing counting, tracing numbers 1-10, and learning number words fun with these super cute, Pirateย number worksheets for preschoolers. Theseย pirate worksheets allow toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students to learn their numbers, number sense, and practice counting to 10 while having fun. These free printable pre k worksheets are so cute kids are going to be excited to learn! Simply print pdf file with number tracing worksheets and you are ready to start playing and learning with this cute, free printable pirate themesย printables. ย free printable counting wheelsย Have fun with these exciting new and no-prep Firefly Counting Worksheets. These lightning bug count and write worksheet pages are great for strengthening hand muscles, counting to ten, tracing numbers, and handwriting skills for young children. Use these cuteย summer counting worksheets with preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children. Simply print pdf file withย number worksheets for preschoolย  and you are ready to sneak in some fun summer learning!

Counting Activities 0-10

If you are looking for some more fun, engaging, hands-on, and free printable counting activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners – check out these great resources!

free-printable-fingerprint-counting-activity-482x800 playdough number mats Count to 30 bugs hole punching math activity This hands-on math activity allows kids to practice counting to 20 with these free printable playdough mats. Thisย Corn Counting Activity is perfect for toddler, preschool, ย pre k and kindergarten age children during summer and fall. This is also a great introduction to number words, including those tricky teen numbers.

Counting Activities 1-20

These pack of fish bowels to practice counting 0-10 is such a clever, FUN hands on counting activity for toddler, preschool, pre k, and kindergarten age students. Grab theย  goldfish counting printable and a handful of fish cracker are you are ready to work on 1:1 correspondence as you count to 10 with this clever math activity for preschoolers.ย  FREE Counting Farm Animals Worksheets - kids will have fun practicing counting animals on the farm and tracing numbers 1-10 with these adorable count to 10 printables for toddler, preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids in the fall, spring, or farm theme. #farm #preschool #countingย ย ย  Silly-Worm-Count-to-10-with-stickers

Number Worksheets

ย  alphabet coloring pagesย  26 adorable alphabet crafts to make based on uppercase alphabet letters.ย ย letter-recognition-worksheets

Looking for more fun and free ideas to make learning fun for preschoolers? Check out these free prek worksheets:


Dump Truck Count to 20

By using resources from my site you agree to the following:

  • This is forย personalย and personal classroomย useย  (to share this resource, please direct others to this post to grab their own free copy)
  • This may NOT be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other site (including blog, Facebook, Dropbox, etc.)
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  • I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads keep the lights on so to speak. Thanks you!
>> Dump Truck Counting Activityย <<

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  1. Hello Beth,
    Thank you for all that you do! I am a grandmother on a fixed income and helping my 3 year old grandson during the —. Your creativity and talented teaching is a godsend! I am so grateful for you and your website and wanted to tell you how much I admire you!

    P.S. I also have a homegrown kiddo (now 35 and the father of 2 wonderful boys) and my very special daughter who was adopted from an orphanage in Moscow 27 years ago! Both of my children fill my life with love, laughter and hope!

    Thanks once again,

    1. Thanks for taking the time to leave us a comment. We are honored to help you and think it is so wonderful you are helping your grandson make learning fun!!

  2. Oh, Wow Beth I just want to say Thank you for the most amazing resources. these are just great. My little ones in my Family Daycare area love the dump truck counting mats.

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