Turkey Magic Milk Science Experiment for November
Looking for a fun turkey activity for fall? This turkey science experiment combines november activities with a playful thanksgiving science.You will love the simplicity and beautiful of this clever twist on the magic milk experiment for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders too.
Turkey Science Experiment
We love sneaking in fun, educational activities that go along with seasons, holidays, and special themes. Kids just get more excited about learning and remember it better! So with Thanksgiving coming up in November and Turkey’s on our mind, we thought we’d try a simple milk experiment with a fun turkey twist. THis turkey science experiment is pefect for all ages from toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students too. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler will love turkey activities to keep kids learning and having fun!
Turkey Activities
All you need to try this fun thanksgiving activity for kids are a few simple materials you probabaly already have on hand:
- dish with lip
- food coloring
- full fat milk
- dish soap
- q-tip
- craft foam to make a turkey head
November Activities
Pour milk so it covers a plate with a lip. You don’t need much, just a shallow layer.
Make a turkey head out of craft foam or construction paper to make a brown cirlce, orange triangle, and red wattle. Float in milk.
Turkey Science
Put drops of food coloring going out from turkey head in milk to make the turkey feathers.
Turkey Activity for Kids
Dip a q-tip in dish soap and gently touch to food coloring. The food coloring will swirl and appear ot jump back in the water making a pretty design for the turkey feathers.
November Science Experiment
Make sure you use enough food coloring initially and hold the soap dipped cotton tip on food coloring for 5 seconds.
Curious about what is going on?
This kitchen science experient uses milk. Milk is made up of minerals, proteins, and fats – which is why we used whole fat milk. When we add dish soap to the milk, the dish soap molecules move around to try and attach to the fat molecules in the milk. The food coloring allows us to see this in a way that we couldn’t in the white milk. The food coloring gets shoved out of the way and makes it look like pretty swirly feathers! When all the dish soap that you introduce has attached itself to the fat, the show is over. Try adding some more and see what happens!
Thanskgiving Activities
This is such a fun, hands-on learning activity that will thoroughly engage young learners.
November Activities
- Turkey Slime Activities for Preschoolers
- Corn-Painted Name Turkey Craft for Kindergarten
- Paint Swatch Toilet Paper Roll Turkey Craft for Thanksgiving
- Coffee Filter Turkey Crafts for Preschoolers
- Paper Plate Turkey Craft for Preschoolers in November
- EASY Turkey Toilet Paper Roll Craft
- Paper Plate Turkey Craft with Lovely Feathers
- EASY Marble-Painted Turkey Craft Ideas for Kids
Thanksgiving Crafts for Preschoolers
- EASY Bubble Wrap Turkey Craft for Kids
- CUTE Thanksgiving Construction Paper Turkey Craft
- FREE Printable “I am Thankful” Turkey Paper Craft
- Simple Construction Paper Turkey Craft for November
- These adorable Turkey Hat Template are fun to make and wear in November
- Make these adorable Turkey Cup Holders to decorate your Thanksgiving table!
- Painted Pine Cone Turkey Craft
- Simple-to-Make Torn Paper Turkey Craft for Preschoolers
- Easy Platic Cup Turkey Craft
- Feathered Paper Plate Turkey Craft
- Thanksful Turkey Hand Art
- Pumpkin Seed Turkey Crafts for Preschool
- Packing Peanut Turkey Craft
- 35 Clever Turkey Craft Ideas
- EASY Pasta Turkey Craft
- Edible Turkey Craft for Kids
Turkey Science
- Skittle Turkey Science Activities for November
- Balloon Races Turkey Game – FUN November Activities for Kids
- Dancing Corn Fall Thanskgiving Science Experiment for November
- Growing Feather Turkey Sciene Experiment for November
- Like the Pilgrims did – Making Butter Science Experient with Free Worksheet
- Melting Turkey Thanskgiving Science Experiment for November
- Grow Your Own Crystal Turkey Science Project for November
- Turkey Magic Milk Novemer Science Experiment
- Turkey Life Cycle Worksheets
Thanksgiving Alphabet / Phonics
- Listen for beginning sounds as you complete these adorable, Free Printable Build-a Turkey Activities
- Pumpkin Pie Phonics is a fun Thanksgiving Activities for Kidnergarten to practice identifying the sounds letters make
- Help kids work on letter recognition with these Thanksgiving Color by Letter where they will reveal fun hidden pictures!
- Practice tracing upper and lower case letters while working on beginning sounds with these Pumpkin Activities.
- ABC Turkey File Folder Game
- Kids will have fun working on letter recognition with these Letter Find Free Pumpkin Printables
- This fun-to-color Thanksgiving story for kindergarten pdf will help kids learn about the First Thanksgiving.
- Kids will have fun practicing sight words with these super cute, NO PREP, Thanksgiving Color by Sight Word
- Sight Word Pumpkin Activities for Kindergarten is a fun way for kids to practice reading Looking for another fun word family activity?
- Working on Word Families with Turkey Word Family Sort Thanksgiving Activities for Kindergarten or our Pumpkin Pie Word Family Puzzles
- Kids will have fun practicing spelling with this Free Thanksgiving Create-a-Word Activity
- Keep kids practicing writing skills with these no prep,Thanksgiving Creative Writing Prompts
- Super cute Turkey Sight Word Mats
- Free Thanksgiving Writing Prompts or this Thanksgiving Writing Prompt
- Create-a-Word Thanksgiving Spelling Activity
- Work on color recognition with these printable Turkey Feathers activity or these Turkey Coloring Pages
Turkey Math
- This adorable Turkey Math Craft is a fun hands-on thanksgiving math activities for preschoolers
- Kids will love this cute feathers counting Turkey Activty for Preschoolers
- These Spin and Cover Turkey Activities are a fun way to sneak in some math in November
- Practice Counting by 10s with this cute Turkey Skip Counting Activity
- Work on counting to 100 with these FREE Thanksgiving Worksheets
- This Pumpkin Patch Addition Game is a fun way to practice addition in October (color or black & white)
- Kids can solve the math problems in this Pumpkin Math Activity over and over again to achieve fluency!
- My kids love activities that involve food! Thesecandy corn Turkey Counting and tracing number mats are loads of fun!
- Turkey Colour Matching Game with dot markers
- Or work on addition with these fun, Color byNumber Thanksgiving Worksheets
- Kids will have fun working on Number Sense with these adorable Pumpkin Math puzzles
- Help kids work on number sense with these adorable Pumpkin Pie Number Sense Puzzles
- Work on number recognitoin with these Thanksgiving Color by Number Worksheets
- Kids will have fun practicing counting with this Thanksgiving Math Pumpkin Pie Count & Trace Activity
- Make a Pumpkin Pie Craft to practice counting
- Pumpkin Pie Count & Trace Thanskgiving math activity is a great way to practice counting and writing numbers too
- Kids will have fun using marshmallows or cotton balls in this 1:1 Pumpkin Pie Correspondence Thanksgiving Math activity
- Pumpkin Number Bonds to 10 Worksheets are a fun, NO PREP way to practice math in October
- Free Printable Thanksgiving Counting Puzzles
- Thanksgiving I Spy Printable Worksheet
- Finally, don’t miss over 30 Fun November Kids Activities and November Crafts for Kids.
- Well, there you go! I hope you enjoy all these fun, clever, and FREE ideas to fill you November with fun learning and kids activities
- Plan a whole Thanksgiving Theme with all these fun, creative resources from around the web!
- Looking for help sneaking fun into your month? Print out our FREE Thanksgiving Activity Calendar
- Plus, don’t miss these 22 Thanksgiving Books or these Thanksgiving Books for Preschoolers you will love reading with your kids!
- 50+ Turkey Crafts for Kids
Looking for YUMMY Pumpkin Recipes? Try these family favorites:
- You will want to try our Amazing Thanksgiving Leftover Soup
- We’ve taken all the work out of prepping the PERFECT Thanksgiving feast! Here is ourfree Thanksgiving Meal Planner with recipes, timing, hints, and more!
- Oh so Yummy Chocolate Pumpkin Bread
- Easy-to-Make, healthy Pumpkin Pie Chili will be your families new favorite meal!
- Super easy to make Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal to whip up in the crock pot
- 40 Pumpkin Pie Recipes for Kids
- Here is your new favorite dessert for October – Pumpkin Lava Cakes!
- Super delicious Pumpkin Waffles that have no added sugar, but are perfectly sweet!
- BEST EVER Pumpkin Pie Recipe
- Turkey Pot Pie Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes
This experiment is awesome. Here’s a head’s up, though: food coloring companies are making their food coloring gel based, instead of whatever they used before. I drove all over looking for the liquid based food coloring, only no one carries it where I live. I bought lots of different gel food coloring, only to fail at this experiment every time. You can get liquid coloring through Amazon, they have several brands (although I may just go with the McCormick since I know that type is perfect for this experiment. I just wanted to help everyone avoid the frustration I went through.
Good point, thanks for sharing!